Gizmo: "Free" Voice Calls to Over 60 Countries

A few months back I wrote about Gizmo, a voice over Internet service that has many nice features including the ability to record phone conversations (great for student interviews and such...) and to connect to conference calls. They have now added a feature which allows Gizmo users to call the land lines and mobile numbers of other Gizmo members free of charge. Basically calls from your computer to any phone owned by a Gizmo user in 60 countries are free. (Currently Skype is offering this only to calls within the US and Canada, and only until the end of this year...) While this can be seen as a marketing move by the company, the result is that with a bit of organization and effort you can make voice calls to 60 countries for free. This has come in handy during our trip to Spain. Now I will need to talk to the IT guys about opening up the port for use in my school...


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