louisgray.com: FriendFeed Offers Twitter A Chance to Play Lifestream
Shared by timlauer
Louis Gray posts about a new feature from FriendFeed that allows you to post items from your various social networks automatically to Twitter. For example you can set up FriendFeed to automatically post to Twitter when you make blog posts, Flickr posts and a number of other such social networking sites that you have set to update in FriendFeed. As he points out you might not want to do this for all of your activity, but the ability to have items automatically update in Twitter is a pretty nice feature...
Today, FriendFeed introduced a set of features that lets users update Twitter with all their FriendFeed activity, based on their own preferences - be it with native FriendFeed entries, or shares from popular sites, be they Disqus, Last.fm, YouTube, Flickr and many more.