
I spent some time this weekend learning how to use ScreenFlow, screencast creation software for Mac OS X. I have been using Jing to make short tutorials for my staff. These tutorials are short introductions that highlight features of our web site, or demonstrate how to do common computer tasks. While Jing is free, and has worked very well. I was impressed with the feature set of ScreenFlow and decided to purchase it.

I created two screencasts for my staff that are posted on our Staff Bulletin page. Since our staff page is behind a login, I have posted the videos here so you can see some of the features built into ScreenFlow. The callout feature is one that is very impressive. It allows you to highlight specific windows and darken surrounding objects. The mouse call out is similar in that it calls out a specific radius around the mouse cursor. In addition you can magnify the area within the callout circle. The ScreenFlow web site has several video tutorials that highlight the feature set built into ScreenFlow. A demo copy can be downloaded from their web site.

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Google Maps Screencast for Lewis Staff
Staff Bulletin Screencast for Lewis Staff