Student Music Podcasts

200612090818At Lewis we use the Brummitt-Taylor Music Listening Program as a way to expose our students to different classical composers. The program consists of short (2 -5 minute) musical pieces and a daily oral introduction that a teacher would read before playing the piece for the students. I have written before about how we are utilizing this program, and recently our music teacher, Tony Jamesbarry, has been having students record the introductions. Kind of an in house podcast.

In the picture you can see two students recording their introductions. Tony uses an M-Audio MicroTrack recorder to capture the student recordings and then edits them into the musical selection. Since the music from the program is licensed, the music is only available within our school network. Below is a short audio clip to give you a feeling for what it sounds likes with Tony's introduction, and with the student reading the set up...

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