Last week at NECC, Apple sponsored a team of their Distinguished Educators to provide podcasts from the conference. These include an interview with Bernie Dodge who talks about Webquests, Podcasts, Wikis and Weblogs and their use in education. A nice example of a good quality podcast. I have said before I see more possibilities for this type of use of podcasting than others.
Another nice example is their walking tour of historical Philadelphia. Susan Kellogg of All About Philadelphia Tours takes Barnaby Wasson on a walking through historical Old Philadelphia
Both of these podcasts also take advantage of something that Apple has added to iTunes and that is the ability to add chapters to podcast broadcasts. For example the Dodge interview is divided into three sections and you can easily navigate to those chapters by activating the drop-down chapter menu.
The walking tour podcast uses chapters to highlight the various tour locations and also includes photographs of the areas being discussed. Interested in jumping to the section where the guide describes the history and signifigance of the Liberty Bell? Just highlight the chapter menu and mouse down to the chapter and it begins to play.