Flat Stanly Project at Lewis

Flat Stanley Weblog
At Lewis Mrs. Crouse's 3rd grade classroom is taking part in a Flat Stanley activity with a classroom in Vancouver, WA. The idea behind this is that students share a paper Stanley and then write about the adventures of the visiting Stanley and share these adventures with the partner classroom. This can be accomplished through traditional mail, email or in our case a weblog. We looked at ways to make it easy for Mrs. Crouse's classroom and the one in Vancouver to share their stories. After much discussion we decided the easiest thing to do was to set up a weblog in Moveable Type running off the Lewis server and to then set up a Flickr account for the Flat Stanley classrooms to post their images to. Flickr allows users to upload images via email and also post a description from the body of the email to a blog using the XMLRPC interface. The classrooms taking part in the Flat Stanley project just have to send an email and the post will automaticly appear on the weblog along with the attached image file.