OS X Home/Classroom Library Catalog Tool

OS X Home/Classroom Library Catalog Tool: "Delicious Library (note: the name has nothing to do with del.icio.us the social bookmarks manager.) is an Macintosh OS X application that allows for the cataloging of a home or classroom library collection, a visual card-catalog of your books, movies, music and video games. You can import your information by hand by title or author, or if you have an..."

Over at the eSchoolNews weblog I have posted about Delicious Library. A very interesting home/classroom library cataloging tool with a confusing name. It allows you to cataglog books, music CD's, video's, and video games. The information can be entered manually, or you can use an iSight video camera as a scanner and scan in the bar codes of your items. It then searches Amazon for the information and returns it for cataloging. I am planning to help a few teachers at Lewis Elementary set this up for check out of their classroom library books.