Bill Z Finds Himself Blogging...

Saturday, October 2, 2004 - News: "

On Saturday, I attended the first session of the Ed 436: Technology Across the Curriculum course that I am taking as part of the MAT Flex program at Pacific University. That's why I now find myself blogging.

I am again this fall teacher a technology class for preservice teachers at Pacific University in Forest Grove, Oregon. In the past I set up Moveable Type weblogs for the participants, but in light of the recent user interface upgrades at Blogger I decided to just have them set up their own weblog using Blogger. As part of the course I have made it a requirement to post a few times a week to their blog. I'm finding the experience a great way to learn more about each student. For example I had no idea that Bill was a Tri-Met driver. The # 14 route he writes of is near my house...

I have their blog feeds in a special folder set up in my RSS aggregator, NetNewsWire and can easily see when they post something new. Next session I'll turn them on to Bloglines...