Tim Stahmer's Weblog Noted in Technology and Learning

> The Back Page > September 15, 2004" href="http://www.techlearning.com/story/showArticle.jhtml;jsessionid=BAL5OOAXZXEUMQSNDBGCKHQ?articleID=47204073">Techlearning > > The Back Page > September 15, 2004 Online For all you blogophiles out there, instructional technology specialist Tim Stahmer's Assorted Stuff is one of the more compelling Web logs covering K-12 education. In addition to waxing eloquent about the latest education news in the general press, his day-to-day experiences as an educator, and his thoughts on Apple iMovie versus Windows Movie Maker, Stahmer, who works in the staff development department of the Fairfax County Public Schools in Virginia, touches on politics, life in the District of Columbia, The Daily Show, and other, well, assorted stuff. What's appealing about the site is that it captures the essence of what a blog should be-timely, opinionated, and well-written-without being overly self-promotional. And OK, it's also got some pretty good rants.

Tim's weblog, Assorted Stuff, gets a nice mention in Technology and Learning.