Another Day, Another MT Plug-In: OtherBlog...

MT Plugin Directory: OtherBlog
Author: David Raynes
Description: Plug-in based way of including posts/info from other blogs on the same installation.

Just installed this one today and now we can route the excerpt of the most recent recommend book from the media specialist's weblog to the front page of the school web site. Plan to use this one to route art work from the art teacher's weblog to the front page.

Also discovered two others that are very useful. MTGrid adds tags to make tables or containers from data inside of MT. When used with Kevin Shays' Collect plugin the allow you to create a page of thumbnail images form your posts. I still need to figure out which category tags I need to use to pull out individual categories, but you can see an example on Ms. Avidan's classroom site.

Stepan Riha is the author of MTGrid and was very gracious in helping me to get MTGrid working.