PDABuzz.com - Monday,December 23 2002
Handspring and TechSoup
are teaming up to bring an unbeatable offer to 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations.
Staff, board members, and volunteers of 501(c)(3) nonprofit organizations can
receive a Treo 180 for free when they sign up for a T-Mobile Internet (GPRS) service
plan and mail in a $150 rebate.TechSoup, a free nonprofit Web site created by
CompuMentor empowers nonprofits to succeed in the Digital Age by providing timely
and targeted technology information and resources. TechSoup provides other nonprofits
with the tech know-how they need to more efficiently and effectively achieve their
missions. Through its online technology store DiscounTech, TechSoup also offers
access to affordable tech products and services just for nonprofits. TechSoup
partners with high-level tech organizations such as CNET and with other leading
nonprofits such as NPower.
PDABuzz.com - Monday, December 23
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