Educate/Engage 2016

"A big thank you to @actionhero and our facilitators for a great event today #educateengage16"

On Saturday, Lewis Elementary hosted Educate Engage 2016. The event was organized by Melissa Lim (@actionhero) of Portland Public Schools, and sponsored by Portland Public School and Concordia University, and was inspired by a similar event,  ENGAGE 2015 Parent Tech Conferenceput on last fall by several suburban Chicago school districts.  

Educate/Engage 2016  was described as

β€œan opportunity to hear from teachers about the roles and implications of technology both in and out of today's modern classroom.”

It was a great event and the parents that attended indicated they appreciated the opportunity to learn and discuss with educators, the opportunities and challenges that technology can present in a school setting.

It was also nice to see so many of our regional education leaders lend their time and expertise to the event. A big thank you to all that took part. 

"A big thank you to our facilitators and participants today... #educateengage16 #twitter #lewis"