EdCampPDX at Lewis

On Saturday, April 12, 2014 my school, Meriwether Lewis Elementary School, hosted EdCampPDX. Educators from the Portland metro area (and as far as Eugene) came together to discuss and learn together. It makes me feel good when on a sunny, warm, spring Saturday in Portland, 50+ educators choose to came together inside, and talk, listen, and learn from one another.

A common discussion point was why our district and building based professional development offerings could not be more like an edcamp. I was heartened to see several representatives from my own district in attendance, including some who help plan professional development for teachers and administrators. Hopefully some of this type of learning will show up in future offerings. I know I plan to do more of this with my own staff. 

It was a great event and I would like to thank the organizers for their work. Also a big thank you to ORVSD for providing lunch.