Who knows what they will do...

A post I shared with my staff this evening...

Etherpad is a web tool similar to Google Docs. It allows people to collaboratively work on a document on the web at the same time. I have used th e tool a bit and find it to be very interesting as a collaborative tool. Etherpad was recently acquired by Google and Google plans to incorporate many of Etherpad's features into Google Docs.

While this is, at least to me, of interest, I am bringing it to your attention because of what Arron Iba, the CEO of Etherpad has chosen to share on his web site. It is customary on most web sites to have an ABOUT page. This is where the creator of the pages chooses to share relevant information about him or herself. I found what Arron Iba chose to share to be both interesting and compelling...

Aaron Iba's About Page

Thanks to Ben Grey for the pointer to this and for his original post.