PicLens: Immersive Full Screen Images...

Piclens Screenshot

PicLens is an immersive full-screen experience for viewing photos on the Web. Supports the presentation of images in the following web sites:

  • Flickr
  • Facebook
  • Google Images
  • Yahoo Images
  • Friendster
  • Picasa Web Albums
  • Media RSS

This is a pretty slick little tool for Firefox and Safari. Basically if you are visiting one of the sites listed above, you just need to mouse over an image and click the arron icon to engage the tool. It darkens the screen and the image grows full size to fill the screen. Am thinking this would be great for presentations and classroom demonstrations and such. Throw some images into Flickr, arrange, and you have an instant, low overhead, presentation.

Am thinking this would be great for presentations and classroom demonstrations and such. Just throw some images into a Flickr set and arrange and you have an instant presentation.

By way of Lifehacker...