Learner.org: Teaching Reading 3-5

My friend Dr. Don Leu let me know that Learner.org has an online workshop for those teaching reading in grades 3 - 5. Teaching Reading 3-5 is designed to give teachers the strategies they need to help all students become better readers and writers in the intermediate grades. The series of eight workshops provides current research, questions for reflection, tips for new teachers, activities to enhance teaching, and classroom video segments.

Session five deals with the Internet and New Literacies. The video details the following strategies:

  • What skills do students need to use the Internet?
  • How can teachers use the Internet to teach content?
  • How can teachers provide for child safety on the Internet?

This quote from Don really states the case for why this is important...

"To be newly literate means to take advantage of the information resources that are on the Internet, and that requires new reading and writing skills. These new literacies are central to our students' futures. Their futures are going to be defined by their ability to read, write, and communicate within networked information environments."

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