
New Sidewalks Near Lewis Elementary

Last week, the City of Portland began work on the construction of some pedestrian improvements near Lewis Elementary School. Sidewalk installations have begun on SE 45th avenue at locations that previously did not have sidewalks. This includes a section of sidewalk directly north and south of our crosswalk on SE 45th and Evergreen. In addition it looks as if a pedestrian island is being installed at SE 45th and Glenwood, and a section of sidewalk is being installed just north of Glenwood on SE 46th. These improvements will make it easier and safer for students and their families to walk and bike to and from Lewis.

Lewis... then and now...

I have seen some shots like this up on Flickr, and the other day my wife pointed me to http://dearphotograph.com/ , a site dedicated to images constructed with old photos and the stories behind them. The old image of Lewis Elementary is from 1976. Was going through some old files today and found some documents that discuss the history of the school. I hope to spend some time this summer doing some research on school history. I think it is important that we and our students consider the history of our buildings, the stories they can tell and remember those that came before us.

I was in a rush today and am not entirely happy with the shot. Plan to try again next week and see if I can do a better job...